Morning Lap Swim

WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: Any current or former member of the pool. This is an adults-only program; you must be 18 years or older to participate. All skill levels are welcome.

  • DATES/TIMES: Program runs for 8 weeks, dates are 6/17/24 – 8/09/24. It is scheduled on Monday, Wednesday & Friday and there are two time slots, 6:00-7:00am and 7:00-8:00am.
  • LIFEGUARDS: Erin Monnig and TBD
  • COORDINATOR: Andrea Hohler
  • FORMAT: Swimmers typically divide themselves by ability and level of instruction desired. Workouts are provided for beginners, intermediate, and advanced swimmers, but you can also do your own workout/swim independent of the group. The instructor is available to help improve your stroke and/or technique. There is also pool space available for people who prefer to walk in the water for exercise.
  • PAYMENT: The cost $5.00 per session – or there is a new option to pay a one-time $100 fee to save $20 and get four sessions free! You can pay here. Swimmers that cancel a session with 12 hours advanced notice will receive a credit to be used on a future lap swim session. At the end of the summer season, all unused credits will be considered a donation to the Mosby Woods Pool.
  • EQUIPMENT: The pool has a mounted pace clock for you to use. Don’t forget your swim goggles, swim cap, towel, water bottle, kickboard, and pull buoy.
  • INCLEMENT WEATHER: In the event that we need to close the pool for thunder, lightning, etc., we will notify you by the email you provided at registration. The fee you paid for that session will be credited to your account for you to use on a future lap swim session. At the end of the summer season, all unused credits will be considered a donation to the Mosby Woods Pool.